「多様なお客様に、舞台を楽しんでほしい」“We want to provide better opportunities to more varied guests so that they may enjoy their theater going experiences”
企画立案からコンテンツ作成、機材手配、当日のオペレーションまでトータルでサポートします。 Earphoneguide provides an all-in-one solution including planning of the program, content creation, procurement of equipment and other materials as well as operations of the day.
- 弊社にご連絡Contact us
- どのような公演で、どのようなことを行いたいのかお知らせくださいPlease provide the overall description of the planned program and your requirements.
- 詳細お打ち合わせWorking on details
- 公演の内容・ご予算から字幕や音声の内容をご提案しますPlease provide the overall description of the planned program and your requirements.
- スケジュールの確認Finalizing the schedule
- 原稿(台本)の入稿時期や舞台の仕込み、当日の流れなどを打ち合わせますEarphoneguide discusses with the client on the schedule including the deadline for submitting the script, preparation for the stage and the series of activities on the performance day.
- コンテンツの作成Content creation
- コンテンツの校正→アプリにアップロードCheck the content and make modifications if necessary
→ Upload the content to the EG-G application
- コンテンツの校正→アプリにアップロードCheck the content and make modifications if necessary
- 会場での機材仕込みPreparation of equipment in the venue
- 機材搬入、設置は弊社スタッフで行いますAll activities including carrying in and installing the equipment are done by the Earphoneguide personnel.
- リハーサルでのテストLive testing
- 実際の本番と同じように音声ガイド・字幕の試し出しを行い、必要があれば修正しますThe subtitles and audio guide go live exactly as during the actual performance and if necessary modifications are made.
- 本番Performance day
- 大喝采の中終演The performance completes in a huge round of applause!
- 撤収Bringing out the equipment
- 終演後は、速やかに機材の撤収を行いますAfter the performance, equipment is quickly brought out from the theater.
+αの導入利点More benefits of introducing the EG-G system
- ●端末費用の削減機材の貸出、返却の手間なし
Cost reduction on handheld devices
No lending out and collection of devices are required. - ●コンテンツの二次利用公演後に楽しむ音声コンテンツの販売
Secondary use of the content is possible
The audio content may be provided to the audience at charge for their at-home enjoyment. - ●データの再利用再演時にも便利!
Reuse of the data
The data may be utilized for repeat performances.
- ●音声透かしって、本当に人間の耳には聞こえないの?Is it true the “audio watermark” signals are not audible to humans?
- 人間が聞こえる音の周波数は、20kHzまでとされます。それよりも高い周波数帯域を使用いたしますので、安心してご利用下さい。 Humans are capable of sensing the audio signal up to the frequency of 20kHz. The EG-G system uses frequencies above this physiological threshold pausing no risk that the audience perceive them as noise.
- ●多言語以外で何か活用方法は?Are there any other uses in addition to providing the multilingual support?
- 音声では視覚に障がいを持ったお客様、字幕では聴覚に障がいを持ったお客様向けの観劇サポートコンテンツなどでもご活用いただいています。
また災害時避難誘導案内のツールとしての活用も可能です。 The audio function has been used to support guests with impaired vision and the subtitle function for guests with hearing difficulties during theater performances, among others. They may also be used to provide emergency evacuation guides. - ●最大でどれくらいのお客様が同時に使えるの?Home many people can use the system simultaneously?
- 透かし音声の届くエリアにいるお客様(客席内など)であれば、ご利用のお客様数に上限はありません。
お客様には劇場に来る前に、ご自宅等で事前ダウンロードする方法を推奨いたします。 There are no limits to the number of guests that can use the system at the same time as long as they are within the area where the audio watermark signals reach.
Downloading the content may be slowed, however, if a large number of guests simultaneously try to download the content in a limited space. It is recommended to suggest expected guests to download the content in advance outside of the theater, such as while still at home. - ●アプリのダウンロードは有料?Does it cost to download the EG-G application?
- アプリのダウンロードは無料です。
実際劇場でサービスを使用する際に、その都度音声or字幕のデータを購入して頂きます。それ以外の課金はございません。 The application can be downloaded free of charge.
When a guest in the theater wants to use the service, he/she will be required to purchase the subtitle or audio data. No other fees will be charged.
使い方How to use EG-G
- ご利用の方にご用意いただくものGuests are required to bring their own:
- ●スマートフォンSmartphone
- ●イヤホン(音声ガイドご利用の場合)Earphone (if the audio guide is used)
Advance preparations
- STEP① スマートフォンに「EG-G」をダウンロードGuest downloads the EG-G application to his/her smartphone
- STEP② アプリ内でチケットを購入(主催者様ご負担の場合、無料の設定も可)Purchase a ticket within EG-G (tickets may also be offered free of charge)
- STEP③ チケットを使用してコンテンツをダウンロードUse the purchased ticket to download the corresponding content
- STEP④ サービスや言語を選択してスタンバイSelect the service and language to use The preparation is now complete!
- ご利用へUse EG-G in the theater
株式会社イヤホンガイド 会社情報Company information
ワンストップでイヤホンガイド&字幕のソリューションすべてを提供します。Earphoneguide Co., Ltd. was established in 1975 and is the world’s only company that is dedicated to the subtitle and audio guide services.
- ●同時解説「イヤホンガイド」の企画制作Planning and production of the “Earphoneguide” simultaneous audio guide
- 舞台に合わせた音声解説をリアルタイムに聞いて楽しむ「イヤホンガイド」
歌舞伎・文楽・能などの古典芸能の舞台を中心に、外国語演劇の同時通訳音声ガイド、バレエ公演のナビゲート、アメフトの解説、コンサートなどの副音声、視覚サポートのバリアフリー音声ガイドなども手掛けています。The “Earphoneguide” service provides audio commentaries in synchronization with the stage The company plans and produces the content for Earphoneguide, rents out proprietary equipment and provides consultation on the content production.
In addition to classical performing arts such as Kabuki, Bunraku and Noh, the company also provides simultaneous translation services to foreign language plays, navigation service on ballet performances, commentaries during American football games, supplementary sound channels for music concerts and audio guides for people with visual impairments, among others. - ●舞台字幕「G-marc」の企画制作Planning for and production of the “G-marc” subtitle service
- 舞台に合わせて文字や映像でセリフ・解説を見て楽しむ字幕「G-marc」
歌舞伎座で提供している「字幕ガイド」の作成・運用のほか、ミュージカル・オペラの日本語訳字幕、聴覚サポートのバリアフリー字幕、海外の方に古典芸能を楽しんでいただく多言語字幕などを作成しています。The “G-marc” service provides texts and images for the conversation on the stage and/or guides for the play in synchronization with the actual performance on the stage.
The company plans and produces the content for G-marc, rents out proprietary equipment and provides consultation on the content production.
In addition to producing and operating the text guide service “Jimaku Gaido” that is used in the renowned Kabuki Theater, the company also provides English subtitles to musicals and opera performances, subtitles for people with hearing difficulties as well as multilingual subtitles for classical performing arts so that non-Japanese speakers may also enjoy them. - ●Webサイト動画コンテンツの企画・運営Production and operation of online moving image content
- 劇場以外でも、古典芸能や舞台芸術を楽しめるように…
歌舞伎・文楽を身近に楽しめる解説者のコラム、観劇前に動画を観て演目について深く知ることができるWEB講座など、オンラインのコンテンツを制作。劇場・観客との橋渡しをおこなっています。The company taps into its long track record of providing guides to classical performance arts to operate an online site where guests may enjoy classical or modern stage performances outside theaters.
It serves as a bridge between theaters and their guests by creating various online content including commentator articles that provide rich backgrounds for Kabuki and Bunraku plays as well as online video courses through that theater goers may learn the programs in depth before actually visiting the theaters.
お問い合わせContact us
お問い合わせはフォームにてご連絡くださいFor inquiries, please use the online form in the webpage below:
- ●東京Tokyo Headquarters
- 〒104-0061
東京都中央区銀座3-14-1 銀座三丁目ビル5F
電話: 03-3546-0265Tokyo Headquarters Ginza Sanchome Building 5F 3-14-1, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
Phone: 03-3546-0265
- ●関西支社Kansai Branch Office
- 〒542-0073
電話: 06-6636-67511-16-23-302 Nipponbashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0073
Phone: 06-6636-6751